S&W K/L-Frame square butt stippled finger grooves and thumb rest, left


USD 291.00 - USD 247.00

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0--1 USD 247.00
>= 0 USD 291.00

Product.Nr. SW048L

S&W K/L-Frame square butt stippled finger grooves and thumb rest, left

S&W K/L-Frame square butt stippled finger grooves and thumb rest, left

S&W K/L-Frame square butt stippled finger grooves and thumb rest, left

S&W K/L-Frame square butt stippled finger grooves and thumb rest, left

S&W K/L-Frame square butt stippled finger grooves and thumb rest, left

Surface: stippled
Size: Standard
Hand: L
Material: Walnut
Group: D
Frametype: K/L-Frame square butt
Model: K/L-Frame square butt
10 4 inch / 13 4 inch / 14 6 inch / 17 / 19 4-6 inch / 64 3-4 inch / 65 4 inch / 66 4-6 inch / 67 / 617 / 648 / 586 / 686 /...

The thumb rest provides the shooter additional leverage when shooting heavy revolvers and prevents the shooter from having a low hold on the grip. Additional finger grooves increase the comfort. Plate shooters that shoot either one or two-handed favor these grips. Due to the thumb rest, speed loaders cannot be used with this grip. They come standard in either stippled or smooth walnut for many different revolver models and are available for left handed shooters.