Replacement Grips for Pistols
1911 Auto straight MSH, single safety,slight palm rest, medium
Product.Nr.: CO02MM
USD 320.00 - USD 320.00
1911 Auto straight MSH singel safety fi-gr. th-rest, sl.palm rest, med.left
Product.Nr.: CO02MML
USD 360.00 - USD 360.00
1911 Auto, Colt Government Combat stippled, single safety
Product.Nr.: CO035
USD 146.00 - USD 146.00
1911 Auto straight MSH fi-gr. th-rest, slight palm rest, large
Product.Nr.: CO04ML
USD 456.00 - USD 456.00
1911 Auto straight MSH, amb. safety, fi-gr. th-rest, slight palm rest, medium
Product.Nr.: CO04MM
USD 456.00 - USD 456.00
Colt 1911 single safety, straight bottom, for pistols with mag well
Product.Nr.: CO055
USD 146.00 - USD 146.00
1911 Auto like original but round, single safety, Rhomlas
Product.Nr.: CO93W8
USD 140.00 - USD 140.00
1911 Auto like original but round, ambidextrous safety, Rhomlas
Product.Nr.: CO94W8
USD 140.00 - USD 140.00
1911 Auto like original but round, single safety, straight bottom, mag well, Rhomlas
Product.Nr.: CO95W8
USD 140.00 - USD 140.00
1911 Auto like original but round, ambidextrous safety, straight bottom, mag well, Rhomlas
Product.Nr.: CO96W8
USD 140.00 - USD 140.00
H&K P7M8 magazine release on top Rhomlas with thumb rest
Product.Nr.: HK0478
USD 233.00 - USD 233.00
Para Ordnance P14-45 / P16-40 single safety, stippled, thumb rest
Product.Nr.: PO017
USD 216.00 - USD 216.00
SIG 210 He.Fr. without lanyard ring stippled and thumb rest
Product.Nr.: SI067
USD 294.00 - USD 294.00